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We asked our intrepid correspondent, Airyka, to walk the streets of Seattle, documenting the fashion statements of its citizens.  And we asked her to write her impressions as a native Seattlite.

We were thoroughly charmed by Airyka's gallery of images.   She manages to capture a sense of the beautiful city, while at the same time sharing with us the marvelous stylishness of its people.

As a native Seattlite, Airyka has a broader perspective, which she shares in her delightful letter.  Read along, and enjoy    people-watching!  It's really makes us want to visit.

Ayrika's Letter:

All in all, on my recent hometown tour of Seattlites’ fashion sense, I found a surprising amount of well-put-together men to equal or top all the emphasis that women are typically known for devoting to style, a keen ability of older women to look distinctly collected and sophisticated without really trying, and a general casualness among the rest, with a few variations here and there of girls dressed romantically in clothes of other decades, of black-clad punked-out folk mingling up on Broadway, and a few eclectically dressed people on sunny days at the Pike Place Market. Comfort, warmth, and affordability seemed to be primary concerns, and an unpretentious quality of being oneself in clothes which never looked hard to meander about or run for cover from rain in....
